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Is dance about competition, excellence and individual success only? What are the conditions – actual and desired – for dance to be happening for the benefit of our society and the workers within the dance field? How can we recognize and transform both conscious and unconscious beliefs about the role and meaning of work in our lives? AG Work Culture invites to a discussion and a collective writing session around their digital booklet “how to (make) dance in berlin – a toolbox for a better work culture in the independent dance scene”. The booklet is available in German and English.
The publication results from a collaborative process of the AG Work Culture – a working group and a bottom-up initiative operating within the contemporary dance association Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. Since the 1st of March 2021, a group of more than twenty cultural workers – representing freelancers and employees of art institutions connected to the local independent dance scene – has been meeting on a regular and voluntary basis online and offline to map the challenges of Berlin’s work life and to share strategies that could make workplaces in Berlin closer to what they believe in and want be a part of. The process consisted of critical self-reflection, discussions about interdependencies within the scene (while agreeing that the power is not distributed equally), and aimed at inspecting and softening the relational gaps between artists and institutions and imagining new ways of collaboration between the different actors in the dance field.