
© Rafał Dominik, Púca

Click here for the accessible programme PDF for Tanztage 2024

The 33rd edition of Tanztage Berlin returns with ten performances that examine the collective body as it hardens and softens, freezes and fights, weakens and regains strength, addressing the root causes of persistent symptoms and disorders. As a yearly festival producing and presenting the work of the city’s emerging dance artists, Tanztage Berlin has long proven the building blocks of its DNA: aesthetic risk, experimental formats, and artistic visions that question not only conventional narratives about dance and choreography, but also constantly scrutinize the contemporary world. In addition to the newly commissioned performances and revivals, the program offers a discursive and workshop program around money, intimacy coordination, and anti-fascism.

Disorder refers to a state of confusion, lack of order, or disturbance. The term is used in various contexts, including physical and mental health, social and political systems, and the natural world. It is often part of viral headlines, from discussions about health conditions whose origin is still largely unknown to reports of nationwide protests, or actions by climate activists. The manifold afflictions experienced by bodies nowadays may be a shared reaction to the socio-political and economic structures. Engaging in intentional chaos provides a space for individuals to unite, expressing their emotions and desires in a manner that disrupts current affairs. It can be seen as a productive force, questioning established customs and unveiling new potentials for movement.

How can we slip out of narratives we are stuck in and get back into the flow? In polarized times when it feels safer to hide in an echo chamber or latch onto what claims to be fixed, monolithic, and eternal, Tanztage Berlin seeks out resonant spaces where the embrace of complexities is not only welcome but essential and where reliance on a multitude of voices becomes a guiding principle. The festival leans on the wisdom of the chosen ancestors to revise myths and symbols, and re-tell the stories of exile and freedom. Despite the persistent feeling that the world is always ending, we stay curious and tender.

WITH Nasheeka Nedsreal, Deva Schubert, Anh Khoa Trần & Christopher Bullen & Felipe Faria & Púca, Colectivo Malasangre, Yotam Peled & the Free Radicals, Ewa Dziarnowska, Camila Malenchini, Makisig Akin & Anya Cloud/The Love Makers Company, Rob Fordeyn, juan felipe amaya gonzalez

Curation Mateusz Szymanówka Dramaturgical support Jette Büchsenschütz, Dandan Liu Production direction Francesca Spisto Production Vivi Kartsioti, Léonie Duflot KBB Julian Correia de Aquino, Henriette Fock, Carlotta Müller (FSJK) Communication Sebastian Sury, Miriam Seise, Nika Grigorian, Hannah Aldinger, Linda Hoffmann (FSJK) Ticketing Manuel Chittka Technical management Fabian Stemmer, Dennis Schönhardt, Walter Freitag (deputy)

The 33rd Tanztage Berlin is a Sophiensæle production. Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and with funds from the Capital Cultural Fund. With the kind support of Tanzfabrik Berlin e. V., Theaterhaus Berlin. Media partners: Berlin Art Link, Missy, Siegessäule and taz.